Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Dude, i'm not buying a Dell. Not without Steve anyway. The new Dell commericals now on TV don't feature Steve and according to Dell, Steve has been put on hold for the foreseeable future. Oh well.

I guess Dell doesn't know a good thing when they see it. Or they don't know a cute guy when they see one. And Ben Craft, the dude who plays Steve definitely it up there on the hottie list.

I guess Dell doesn't understand that there really isn't a fundamental difference for most people between one computer and another.. whether it is a Dell, or a Compaq, or a Hewlett-Packard or anything else. They all have the same Intel computer chips inside them, they all run the same operating system, they all connect to the same internet. And more or less the prices are very similar for similarly equiped models. The only thing that makes a person chose one over the other is our perception of the company.

well I don't have a very good perception of that company anymore. Anyone who can't understand that the increase in Dell's sales over the recent past was due in part to very effective advertising and that was due to Steve.. the dell dude.

Eventhough Steve had just started college, he is a lot smarter than the corporate dudes at Dell will ever be, if they think that this is a good business decision.