Saturday, August 09, 2003

I believe that ALL Americans, including gays and lesbians, deserve the rights, responsibilities, and
privileges that come with marriage. And right now, we have an unprecedented opportunity to make that
dream a reality. Please, join me in adding your voice to a million voices raised in support of civil
marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples at

Thursday, August 07, 2003

You know i think the comedians are right.. California is like a bowl of granola.. what's not fruit or nuts is flakes. And the current mess out there seems to prove it more and more every day.

First of all, people are upset because the state has money problems. Almost every state has money problems due to the bad economy, the extra security efforts mandated but not paid for by Washington, and tax and program cuts in Washington mean more of a burden has been shifted to the states. California isn't in a unique situation. Everyday there are news stories about one state legistlature or another trying to deal with budget issues. California is the largest state, with an economy larger than that of most countries, so their problem looks a lot worse.

So now some rich Republican has paid people to go around the state to force a re-call election of the Governor who was elected only a year ago. They say this special election will cost the state of California 35 million dollars. When the government cannot pay the bills it has how is it financially responsible to force the government even deeper into debt ?

And the cast of characters lining up to be on the ballot looks more like Circus of the Stars than a group willing and able to serious consider the problems before the California government.

One of the least qualified, but most covered of these candidates is Arnold Schwarzenegger. We all know that he is a Republican and he backs Republican causes and candidates. But does that make him qualified to be a statewide elected official ?

While the Movie Making business is oftern mentioned in association with big budgets, it's reputation is more for slight of hand accounting than for inovation and frugality. While he is a major star, playing characters other than himself, he has rarely participated in the producing end of the business which is where the finances of a movie are delt with. His only two producing credits are for the films "The Sixth Day" and "The Last Action Hero" neither of which were huge profit makers.

In his announcement, he said that he was a man of the people but that he was wealthy enough to be able to finance his campaign without accepting any donations. I don't know many people in California or any other state who can say or do that.

How in touch is this "man of the people" who lives in a mansion in Brentwood (think OJ Simpson's neighborhood) and who spends most of his life surrounded by assistants and other movie people who themselves are probably not totally in touch with reality for the middle class. I don't recall any of my California friends mentioning being in the check out line at the local supermarket on Saturday morning behind Arnie and Maria and the kids.

Does someone who has multiple millions of dollars in his personal bank accounts understand the sort of restraint and spending cuts necessary to bring the finances of the state of California under control ??

Of course the other announced candidates are not much better. The ex-husband and wife team of Michael and Arrianna Huffington are both said to be running. That divorce is still in vendetta mode it seems. I don't know what Mrs. Huffington does except to go on the cable news channels and tell everyone else what they should be doing. Her voice is that of priviledge so i doubt she knows how to cut spending in a serious way either.

Comedian Gallagher has announced he will also be on the ballot of the special election. Can he bash government spending the way he bashes watermelons in his show. While he would make sure that meetings and speeches were entertaining, I doubt he would be taken seriously by those with the power at the state capital.

The state representative who paid for the recall petition drive with his own money is also running. Darrell Issa seems to have decided that if the election doesn't go you way, you can just pay for a new one. If the recall is not successfull I wonder how many times he can pay for a new recall petition drive and keep Californians perpetually going to the polls while nothing gets done in the state.

Hustler Magazine Larry Flynt has also announced that he is running. At least Mr. Flynt has run a succesfull business for a number of years no matter what you may think of its content. His magazine has spent a lot of time in court fighting for its right to be and still must be showing a profit to continue to find its way to convience store shelves. Mr. Flynt has a history of suporting individual rights and freedoms over the government and narrow-minded people's actions and desires. He truly believes in limited government and that government should stay out of people's personal business. Mr. Flynt is also confined to a wheelchair and can certianly be an advocate for minorities and the less fortunate in our society who are frequently over looked or over run by government today.

It's going to be a long and colorful race when the best alternative to the sitting Governor is the publisher of a tittie magazine.