Wednesday, February 25, 2004


In 2001 terrorists killed 2,978 people in the United States including the 5 killed by anthrax.

That same year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the following number of deaths:

700,142 Deaths by heart disease
553,768 Deaths by cancer
101,537 Deaths by accident
30,622 Deaths by suicide
17,330 Deaths by homicide
5,431 Deaths by fatal workplace injuries
3,247 Deaths by drowning

There have been no US deaths by terrorism since 2001. The FBI reports the following statistics in the years prior to 2001: 2000 ? 0; 1999 ? 1; 1998 ? 3; 1997 ? 0.

In the five years covered above about 7 million people died from the various causes listed and yet less than 3,000 people died from a terrorist attack.

So why is the nation, especially our government freaking out about terrorism ??

Terrorism is successful only if the people are terrified.

Since September 11, 2001, it seems that the only organization who has been terrifying Americans is our own government. With its color coded terrorism alert levels, the terrorists don?t even have to actually blow up anything to create widespread media coverage and upset across our country. Our own government is doing the dirty work for them.

march 2004

Amount the new Democratic Mayor of San Francisco contributed to the 2000 Bush campaign: $500

Fine paid by two of US Attorney General John Ashcroft's PACs for breaking campaign-finance law in 2000: $37,000.00

Year in which then congressman (now defense secretary) Donald Rumsfeld gave a speech criticzing war profiteering by Brown & Root: 1966

Maximum prison sentence for causing the death of a US worker by willfully violating Federal Safety Regulations: 6 months

Maximum prison sentence for harassing a wild burro on federal lands: 12 months

Estimated number of doctors in China with experience treating HIV/AIDS: 100

Number of the 4 million Bosnian refugees since 1991 who are still wating to go home: 400,000

Number of times Osama bin Laden used the term Al Qaeda publicly before September 11, 2001: 0
Howard Dean will not be the nominee for President of the Democratic Party in 2004. Although he is currently second in the count for delegates to the convention, he has ceased to campaign for the party’s nomination.

Even though he will be back in Vermont come the election, he will have made a huge difference, not only in the views that the Democratic nominee will present to the country, but also to the political discussion as a whole when we go to the polls in November.

The political talking heads are writing his political obituary as an also ran whose campaign blew up in a scream one cold night in Iowa, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

A year ago, Howard Dean was the former governor of Vermont and a doctor who decided to run for President to impact the political discussion on our nation’s health care mess. Something that as a five time governor of a state that ranks 42nd in the number of citizens who lack heath insurance he knows a lot about. (Just for reference, G.W. Bush’s home state of Texas, where he was governor for just 1½ terms, ranks first in the number of citizens who are not covered by health insurance). Nobody at that time seemed to care or listen to what Dr. Dean had to say.

When our government invaded Iraq, Dr. Dean was the only candidate who was brave enough to stand against the administration and say publicly that what was being done in the name of our country was wrong. The other candidates were afraid to do so.

Suddenly candidate Dean was number one in the polls for the nomination and had money flowing into his campaign while the others were struggling.

The only smart move that the other candidates had was to start to sound and act like Governor Dean or risk being at the sidelines.

While Senator Kerry may have a longer Washington pedigree (the last President with substantial Washington experience was President Nixon) and Senator Edwards may have a better smile and more personal warmth, but Governor Dean has effected the issues in this election in the way no other candidate in or out of the race has yet to date.

Our election this November will be about who our government responds to.

If we re-elect the current President then they will continue to give our hard earned tax dollars away enhance the huge profits of companies who funded his election; they will continue to give themselves huge tax breaks, while the rest of us continue to bare the burden of their excessive spending; they will continue to put more importance on what goes on in your bedroom than in their friends corporate boardrooms; they will continue to scare citizens with the spectre of terrorism into giving up freedoms and rights that have so long been the very basis of our nation.

If we don’t re-elect him then at least we have a chance to see that those same funds go to help individual citizens who are in unfortunate situations, to help better educate our children, to rid our country of disease and illness, to protect our land and water for those who will come after us and most importantly to be a leader and role model in the community of nations and not the big bully on the playground who takes his ball and goes home when he doesn’t like the rules.

Just because Dr. Dean is back in Vermont and not on the campaign trail doesn’t mean that his voice hasn’t been heard, that his opinions and speeches have not created a positive impact in the direction our nation is going, and hopefully come January 20, 2005 that Dr. Dean will be in a position to continue to make our nation a better place with an important position in the new Democratic administration.

Friday, February 13, 2004

FOX News Channel's O'Reilly: I was wrong about Bush

The Associated Press reports:

Feb 12, 2004 NEW YORK - Bill O'Reilly says he was wrong about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that's made him more skeptical of the Bush administration.

O'Reilly, who has the top-rated political talk show on cable news, was confronted on ABC's "Good Morning America" about his statement before the Iraq war that if Saddam Hussein is overthrown and there were no such weapons found, he'd apologize to the nation.

"Well, my analysis was wrong and I'm sorry," O'Reilly told Charles Gibson on Tuesday.

"I am much more skeptical of the Bush administration now than I was at the time," O'Reilly said.

O'Reilly places the blame on intelligence officials for their pre-war assessments.

"I don't think there's any doubt . . . that George W. Bush wanted to remove Saddam," he said. "And in history, I believe that will be a good thing . . . But I think every American should be very concerned, for their families and themselves, that our intelligence isn't as good as it should be."

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Vice President Dick Cheney: Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us. (Remarks to VFW, 8/26/03).

Secretary of War..I mean Defense Donald Rumsfeld: There are a number of terrorist states pursuing weapons of mass destruction -- Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, just to name but a few. But no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. (Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing Transcript, 9/19/2002)

President George W. Bush: Saddam Hussein could strike without notice and inflict "massive and sudden horror" on America. (AP, 10/6/02)

Secretary of State Colin Powell: “Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough agent to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets.” (Remarks, U.N., 2/05/03)

President "Shrub": "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." (Address, D.C., 3/17/03)

War Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." (Remarks, ABC, 3/30/03)

President Bush: “there's no doubt in my mind, when it's all said and done, the facts will show the world the truth. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind. (Remarks, 7/09/03)

.... i don't believe it mr. bush, something we finally agree on something. i just don't think that you will like the truth.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball point pens would not work in zero gravity.

To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 Degrees.

The Russians used a pencil.