Saturday, March 27, 2004

Harper's Index
april 2004

Number of articles in major US newspapers that have called any White House statement on Iraq a lie: 0

Number of the 5 tax-cut questions asked the president on Meet the Press that concerned the cut's inequity: 0
Average amount a Cabinet member will save this year due to cuts in the captial-gains and dividend taxes: 42,000
Median US household income in 2002: 42,409

Number of people in France who are injured each year opening oysters: 2000

Estimated percentage of web links for requests to "unsubscribe" from mass emails that fail: 69

Number of votes cast in New Hampshire's Republican primary this year for write-in Democratic candidates: 8092
Number of votes by which George Bush won New Hampshire in November 2000: 7211

Number of states that do NOT use the word "evolution" in their science curricula: 5

Factor by which the average pay of a pro baseball player and a Fortune 500 CEO, respectively, have increased since 1973: 60, 58

Number of snowballs a New York City man sold on the street one day last December: 10
Profits he reaped: $9.50

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

One year ago today, the united states of america, invaded the sovereign nation of iraq, unprovoked, in the name of eliminating terrorism.

In that year the US has spent billions and billions of dollars. It has cost over 500 american lives and thousands of american injuries.

And what do we get for all of that ?? Do you feel more secure from terrorism than you did a year ago?

What did we get for our money and those lives ?

How many weapons of mass destruction has the US secured and prevented from falling into "the wrong hands" ??
How many terrorists plots have been prevented from taking place in the US ??
How many terrorists are in jail for past crimes ??

What exactly did all this money buy us ?

We are spending 87 billion dollars to rebuild iraq. What would happen if we spend 87 billion dollars to rebuild the US... to widen and repair roads and bridges. To repair, remodel, and expand schools.... to upgrade the water and sewer infrastructre in american cities... to create quick and efficient transportation in or largest cities... to put americans back to work in america.

Are Iraqi citizens better off than they were a year ago ? Bombs go off daily and there are frequent firefights throughout the country. Many areas to not yet have reliable power or water supplies. Local police forces are run but gangs or tribal leaders. Some places in iraqi cities even armed US soldier fear to go. I'm sure that living under Saddam Hussien was no walk in the park but peace and stability is the best environment for all of us. The only thing the US has succeeded in creating is unrest and unsureity for the iraqi people.