Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Mission Accomplished ???

One year ago today, that yahoo cowboy of a President got his rocks off by struting on the deck of an aircraft carrier and proclaiming that he had done what not even his father had the balls to do... and it was over.

or was it?

last year the president's people disavowed putting up that fateful sign saying it was done by some "over eager seamen" but that may 1, 2003 definitely saw and end to what they called major hostilities

or was it?

this past month (april) saw 134 american servicemembers and several american contractors die in Iraq. More deaths than any previous month so far.

Is this mission accomplished mr. president? Is this an end to major hostilities mr. president?

When will it end ? It seems from everything we have found out from books and commssions that a lot of people spent a lot of time planning to getting us into iraq. it doesn't seem that anybody ever contemplated how to get our troops home.

National Guard troops who were called up at the start of our invasion have now been there over 18 months and many units have been told they will now have to stay there at least four more months. Yet the president says its mission accomplished, an end to major hostilities, and things are going as planned.

In just 60 days, the US is supposed to turn over control of iraq to iraqis. but who exactly are we going to give control to? and who is going to control iraq if the most powerful army in the world cannot keep the peace and control the country. the u.s. wil be caught in a hard spot however if we do not turn over control of iraq to iraqi on june 30. if we give up control of iraq, then we are creating a vaccum of power and unleashing chaos on the whole middle east that will make the antics of saddam look like childs play. if we do not give up control of iraq, there are many millions of people around the world who will have even more reason to dislike us for going back on our word. it looks as if dubbya might have created his own cage with a rock on his left and that proverbial hard spot on his right.

in any case, american soldiers will remain in iraq, as targets, and more americans will die.

of the 134 dead soldiers this month alone, photographs of the 116 who have been identified by the pentagon were shown on friday morning's USAToday. the white house doesn't want you to see their coffins because it humanizes the war dead... so other people are going to make sure that you see their faces.

almost 800 american servicemember have died since our aggressive move of "pre-emption" into iraq. friday night on ABC's nightline, the entire show was devoted to reading the names of those dead soliders. The pentagon has prevented any photographs from being taken of our brave soldiers being returned to their country or photographs of our country honoring their remains at burial, but there are people who want to make sure that their sacrifices are honored and acknowledged in some small way.

Note: the Nightline show was not broadcast on 8 ABC stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting company who have given lots of money only to Republican candidates this year. This company has an obligation by broadcasting over publically owned frequencies to serve the public interest and guarentee that all issues and opinions have access to state their views. The names of the servicemen who have died in iraq are regularly published in newspapers all across the country. i guess it only peoples a problem when you say their names out loud.