Tuesday, July 20, 2004

"Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon

July 20, 1969

We came in peace for all mankind."

Monday, July 19, 2004

As of April 2004, President Bush had made 33 trips to Crawford during his presidency, bringing his total to more than 230 days at the ranch in just over three years. “Add his 78 trips to Camp David and five to his family’s compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, and Bush has spent all or part of 500 days – or about 40 percent of his presidency – at one of these his three retreats.” “Bush Retreats to a Favorite Getaway: Crawford ranch,” Houston Chronicle, April 11, 2004. 

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Ghost star Whoopi Goldberg has defended her choice to attack American President George W. Bush, which led to her being dropped as a spokesperson for diet aid company Slim-fast. Bosses at Slim-Fast dropped the Oscar-winning star from their ad campaign, after admitting they were "disappointed" in her remarks at last Thursday's $7.5 million star-studded fundraiser for presidential hopeful John Kerry at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

"Just because I'm no longer in those (commercial) spots, it doesn't mean I will stop talking. While I can appreciate what the Slim-Fast people need to do in order to protect their business, I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American - not to mention as a comic. I only wish that the Republican re-election committee would spend as much time working on the economy as they seem to be spending trying to harm my pocketbook."

Whoopi Goldberg seems to be the latest in a long line of performers and artists who in the last year have spoken out against the Bush Administration and their policies and who seem to have been visited with great retribution.

Tim Robbins and Susan Saradon were not invited to the Baseball Hall of Fame's celebration of the 15th Annaversary celebration of the movie "Bull Durham"... a film that they starred in.... for fear that they might say something based soley on their reputations.

Bill Mahr had his series "Politically Incorrect" cancelled from ABC in the days before the start of the invasion of Iraq for speaking out against the Bush Administrations plans for invading.

Howard Stern's morning was dropped by Clear Channel Communications stations removing him from the largest radio markets in the country after his continual outspokenness against the Bush Administration.

Michael Moore had to seek a Canadian company to distribute his movie "Farenheit 9/11" after Disney (also the parent company of ABC) refused to release his documentary critical of Bush and his Administration.

The First Amendment's Freedom of Speech is one of the cornerstone of our country... if people, famous or otherwise are not free to say what they feel, especially when it concerns something so important as how our country is being run, then is our government and our leaders any better than the dicators they condemn around the world and throughout history ?

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The stupid Republican leadership in the US Senate is holding a debate and vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment... mind you they have stopped working on the spending bills that have to be passed by October 1 to do this. And there is nothing else more important going on in our country.

While all the reports say they don't have the 67 votes needed to pass a Constitutional Amendment, make sure you contact your US Senator and tell them you don't think our Constitution needs changing.

Both Senators Kerry and Edwards have said they will interrupt their campaign schedules to be in Washington on Wednesday to vote against this amendment.